Wednesday, December 21, 2011

And yours?

No it's not New Year's. It's not even Christmas yet, although Hanukkah started yesterday. However, I came across this video from the good people at JibJab and it got me to thinking: Wow 2011 was a helluva year! These are the lyrics from the video:
2011 was hairy,
A year unlike any we've seen.
There were Schweddy Balls from Ben and Jerry,
And a warlock assassin named Sheen. (Winning.) 
Lohan, Strauss-Kahn,
Rick Romney, Rick Perry, and Cain.
Big trials, love child,
2011 Bye-Bye. 
The S&P blew up our rating,
The job market stayed in a slump. (A slump.)
The debt ceiling kept us debating,
While Weiner just Tweeted his junk. 
Tax more, class war,
I nearly got hit with a pie.
Health threats, Greek debts,
2011 Bye-Bye. 
The whole Arab world was rebelling,
So long Moamar Khadafi,
While soldiers were asking and telling,
We told the whole world we're not gay. 
We finally took out Bin-laden,
Japan had one helluva year. (A year.)
There were riots in Britain, (how rotten)
The Rapture! Not yet but it's near. (Next year.) 
Got hitched, got ditched,
Got knocked up, went bankrupt,
We un-subscribed.
Hair spray, Friday,
2011 Bye-Bye. 
There were Occupy Wall Street protesters,
And folks who will surely be missed,
Falling satellites panicked investors,
There's just way too much stuff to list. 
Leaks, crimes, new signs,
Loose lions and tigers and bears,
Let's cheer the New Year,
2011, you're ending, thank heaven,
2011 Bye-Bye.
I got laid off from a job I'd had for 10 years, my junk mail let me know that I'm at "that time" in my life when my life insurance rates are going up, I got involved with political protest, moved to Holland from California, started a new business, my son turned 25, I took up swimming twice a week and bicycling every day. It's definitely been a year.

What's 2011 been like for you?

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